06 June 2010

RED ONE Camera I.A.T.S.E. 699 Workshop

I had the pleasure of attending an IATSE 699 workshop with the RED ONE Camera.

We spent most of our time in front of the monitor learning the software. If you're not aware, RED ONE captures in RAW and like the still cameras that shoot in RAW, you have to apply "your dream" to your footage in post production with Redcine-X. Basically, this means that you only have to be careful of exposure when shooting and then once in front of the monitor, you can adjust everything else from gamma to white balance to achieve your vision. And because it is raw data, it is non-destructive editing so you can always go back and apply different changes.

Coming from a still photographer background and personally living the sweeping changes the film-to-digital transition made to our industry these last five years, it was interesting to see the familiar looks of ponder on some of the faces these fine DOP's and moving-camera people. They are going through the same learning curve on their journey from film and into digital.

It was a great class and hosted by Craig Harris of Inspired Cinema. We went over some basic stuff for newer people. Just like our still camera work-flow, we touched on how important it is to back-up and make redundancies of your back-up's. Craig had some great stories on how RED had saved a few productions a ton of money due to the fact that the footage can be viewed immediately and re-shot as opposed to finding out the next day with film.